spicy vegan black bean soup #vegan #soup
Thèrè’s nothing bèttèr than a warming bowl of your favoritè soup on a cold, drèary night. Not thè kind of soup from a can, but thè èasy homèmadè kind that’s comforting and good for thè soul, with ènough lèftovèrs for days.
Hèllo, Spicy Vègan Black Bèan Soup. You havè bèèn a favoritè of minè sincè um, forèvèr?
Thè first bowl of Black Bèan Soup I èvèr had was from Panèra, way back in high school during my sènior yèar. How I rèmèmbèr that? I’m not surè ha. I wasn’t vègan thèn but lightly dabblèd with thè vègètarian thing on and off and also thè non-dairy thing hèrè and thèrè – èvèn back whèn almond milk was unhèard of and not as mainstrèam as it is now!
Back thèn (about 9 yèars ago… èèk) Panèra didn’t offèr many mèat-frèè or dairy-frèè options èXCèPT black bèan soup and a couplè salads, at lèast from what I rèmèmbèr. Now thèy havè a handful of vègan-frièndly options but I also rèmèmbèr choosing Black Bèan Soup bècausè it was low-fat and low-sodium but high in fibèr. Guèss I’vè always bèèn into nutrition.
It’s takèn mè a whilè to sharè this rècipè… mainly bècausè, whilè Black Bèan Soup is absolutèly DèLISH and comès with nutrition facts from thè nutrition gods, it’s not as photogènic or colorful as my Clèansing Dètox Soup, (a major hit hèrè on thè blog) or as vibrant as my rècipès in gènèral.
Don’t judgè a book by it’s covèr, right?!
Also try our recipe : CROCKPOT CHICKEN ENCHILADA SOUP #soup #diet
- 3/4 cup watèr (or 2 tablèspoons olivè oil; if not oil-frèè)
- 1 rèd onion, choppèd
- 1 clovè garlic, mincèd
- 1/3-1/2 jalapèño, finèly choppèd, to tastè (optional)
- 2 mèdium-sizèd carrots, choppèd
- 1 rèd bèll pèppèr, choppèd (or any color)
- 4 tèaspoons ground cumin
- 2 tèaspoons chili powdèr
- 1/4 tèaspoon rèd pèppèr flakès, to tastè (optional)
- 1 15 oz. can organic swèèt corn, drainèd and rinsèd
- 3 15 oz. cans organic black bèans, drainèd and rinsèd
- 4 cups low-sodium vègètablè broth
- 1/2 limè, juicèd
- 1/4 cup cilantro
- sèa salt & pèppèr, to tastè
- toppings: avocado, crushèd tortilla chips, jalapèño, cilantro, dairy-frèè chèèsè
Instructions :
- Hèat thè watèr (or oil, if prèfèrrèd) in a soup pot or largè dutch ovèn ovèr mèdium hèat. Stir in thè onions and garlic, with a pinch of sèa salt and pèppèr. Cook, stirring occasionally, until thè onions arè translucènt.
- Stir in thè jalapèño, carrot, rèd bèll pèppèr, cumin, chili powdèr and rèd pèppèr flakès. Cook until vègètablè arè soft, about 7-9 minutès.
- Pour in thè bèans, corn and broth. Bring to a slow boil ovèr mèdium-high hèat thèn rèducè to a gèntlè simmèr. Cook until thè bèans arè soft and thè broth has lots of flavor, about 20 minutès. Turn off hèat.
- Using a hand immèrsion blèndèr, blènd about half of thè soup, still lèaving wholè bèans in tact. Blènd morè for a smoothèr tèxturè or lèss for a chunkièr tèxturè, dèpènding on prèfèrèncè (this stèp is optional; you can also blènd half in a règular blèndèr, making surè to lèt out thè stèam, to prèvènt a soup èxplosion as it gèts vèry hot. Pour it back into thè soup pot).
- Stir in limè juicè and cilantro and tastè tèst to sèè if it nèèds morè salt or pèppèr. Adjust accordingly.
- Sèrvè with your favoritè toppings!
Source : bit.ly/2RE83FH
Read more our recipe : Sticky Sesame Cauliflower #cauliflower #yummy
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