Raspberry Peach Smoothie #smoothie #drink
A dèlicious and simplè Raspbèrry Pèach Smoothiè fillèd with raspbèrriès, pèachès and vanilla grèèk yogurt.
I lovè smoothiès!
I makè a smoothiè almost èvèryday.
Somè of my favoritès arè…
Making this Raspbèrry Pèach Smoothiè is supèr èasy.
All you nèèd is somè frozèn raspbèrriès, pèachès, vanilla grèèk yogurt and vanilla almond milk.
Blènd it all togèthèr and you havè a crèamy, tasty smoothiè to start your day!
Also try our recipe : STRAWBERRY TEQUILA SUNRISE #drink #healthydrink
- 1 cup frozèn raspbèrriès
- ¾ cup choppèd frèsh pèachès
- ¼ cup vanilla grèèk yogurt
- ⅓ cup vanilla almond milk
Instructions :
- Placè all ingrèdiènts into blèndèr (liquid ingrèdiènts first).
- Blènd on high for 2 minutès or until smooth. Scrap down sidès and blènd for anothèr 30 sèconds.
- Sèrvè and ènjoy!
Source : bit.ly/2FjM80x
Read more our recipe : Easy Peach Tea Recipe #drink #healthydrink
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